ServMan Report Pending Release
ServMan Report Version History
03/19/2015 Job Ledgers - (Version 2015-03-19 14:42:39) - Added Drill down capabilities on the GL transaction reference POC Job Analysis Report - (Version 2015-03-19 10:37:44)
03/18/2015 JOB LEDGERS ON BALANCE SHEET ACCOUNTS - (Version 2015-03-18 16:23:54) - Corrected an issue where selecting "Only show jobs with an outstanding balance" was not working JOB LEDGERS ON BALANCE SHEET ACCOUNTS - (Version 2015-03-18 16:23:54) - Report will now allow Drill Down to the Job VENDOR LEDGERS - (Version 2015-03-18 15:26:08) - Report will now show the AP Post Date, which is the date it is sorting by VENDOR LEDGERS - (Version 2015-03-18 15:26:08) - Report Now allow drill down in to the AP Document as well as the vendor
02/23/2015 SCHEDULE VS ACTUAL TIME REPORT - (Version 2015-02-23 10:46:47) - Added the ability to include or exclude appointments. AR Aging - (Version 2015-02-23 10:46:09) - Added the ability to Apply an outer group by Branch. AR Aging - (Version 2015-02-23 10:46:09) - Added the Invoice Po number and the invoice job description to the invoice details section.
02/12/2015 SCHEDULE VS ACTUAL TIME REPORT - (Version 2015-02-12 16:18:04) - Report will now suppress the actual time on all appointments since you can not log time to an appointment.
02/10/2015 SCHEDULE VS ACTUAL TIME REPORT - (Version 2015-02-10 15:57:01) - Corrected an issue were the Actual Time was report total time logged to the ticket not just time logged by the employee you are on
02/06/2015 Retired Reports
02/04/2015 POC Job Analysis Report - (Version 2015-02-04 11:13:26) - Updated the Balancing procedure so it will only be able to create the journal entry for non-closed,/non-cancelled jobs. The Balance button will no longer show if you have All Jobs, Jobs Cancelled or Jobs Completed selected and do not have a Job ID entered. Technician Performance - (Version 2015-02-04 09:39:30) - Added an option so that you can run the report so it will just show employees that completed an order in the date Range.
POC JOB ANALYSIS REPORT - Added the ability to make balancing transactions for POC Jobs
POC JOB ANALYSIS REPORT - Corrected an issue where non-stock labor cost code items would never get included on actual expense
POC JOB ANALYSIS REPORT - Added the ability to run the report based on a specific date range
POC JOB ANALYSIS REPORT - Update the Job label so it will now show account information (Account No - Company) as well as job information (Job ID - Desc)
TECHNICIAN PERFORMANCE - Added to the Preventive Maintenance Statistics section the Sold Item Revenue, Perform Item Revenue and Renew Item Revenue
TECHNICIAN PERFORMANCE - Added to the Service Statistics Summary section the Avg Sales per ticket (Gross Inc / Prod WO's)
TECHNICIAN PERFORMANCE - Added to the Service Statistics Summary section the ability to show Total Sales Volume (Gross Income + Converted Referral Gross Income)
TECHNICIAN PERFORMANCE - Added to the Technician Referral Summary section will now show all referrals Converted in the date range or created in the date range.
01/26/2015 Print 1099s (Interest) - Updated to work with the 2014 forms Print 1099s (Misc) - Updated to work with the 2014 forms
Invoice Register Analysis (By Technician) - Updated the Report so the Employee ID entered on the front end narrows results based on invoice lead tech no time detail employees
Invoice Register(By Technician) - Updated the Report so the Employee ID entered on the front end narrows results based on invoice lead tech no time detail employees
New Reports Added
12/17/2014 TIME LOGGED REPORT - Updated the report so the report will now show the department time is logged to in the order of Override, Order, Job then Employee Home Dept TIME LOGGED REPORT BY ITEM NO - Updated the report so the report will now show the department time is logged to in the order of Override, Order, Job then Employee Home Dept
3-Year Sales Analysis By Customer - Added the ability to run for an outer group of Sales Rep, City, State or *None* would run like it always has
Retired Reports
RECURRING SERVICE DUE – Added the ability to run the report by department group
OPEN WORK ORDERS – Added the ability to run the report by department group
RECURRING SERVICE DUE – Added Groups by Branch and Next Service Date by month
RECURRING SERVICE DUE – Added Duration and time slots to the information reported on the report
OPEN WORK ORDERS – Added Duration and time slots to the information reported on the report and made report branch aware
Inventory Sales Profit Analysis - Corrected a date time stamp display issue when displaying detail information
JOB ESTIMATES - Added the ability Run the report by Department Groups
TODO LIST BY JOB - Added the ability Run the report by Department Groups
JOB PROFIT SUMMARY - Added the ability Run the report by Department Groups
JOB LEDGERS ON BALANCE SHEET ACCOUNTS - Added the ability Run the report by Department Groups
JOB LEDGERS - Added the ability Run the report by Department Groups
JOB LABELS - Added the ability Run the report by Department Groups
JOB EXPENSE REPORT - Added the ability Run the report by Department Groups
JOB ANALYSIS - ESTIMATED VS ACTUAL PROFIT PERCENT - Added the ability Run the report by Department Groups
JOB ANALYSIS - Added the ability Run the report by Department Groups
SALES TAX REPORT - Added the ability to group by branch as well as run for a specific branch
SALES TAX REPORT WITH COST - Added the ability to group by branch as well as run for a specific branch
SALES TAX REVENUE REPORT - Added the ability to group by branch as well as run for a specific branch